
Tony Blair Touts For Investment In Iraq

Blair touts for businesses to go to Iraq. Shell and BP are already there of course. Basra is expected to be an 'oil hub' in the Middle East in the next decade. This is shameful to a degree that surpasses irony or satire. 
What he forgot to mention is that the British Embassy closed and pulled up sticks two weeks ago. They know the calamity that Blair and Bush created in Iraq. 
The oil companies are furious about the closure. But they knew they could always rely on Blair. Link


  1. Unbelievable! The definition of insanity should include this bullshit.

    "This is shameful to a degree that surpasses irony or satire." Exactly so.

  2. It's further ironic that Blair is hated in the UK more than almost anywhere else in the western world, Teresa. He would fit in with Romney's America fine though. Or Obama's to be honest.

    1. Romney/Obama same, same, in reality. I will not be going to the polls today.... Choosing evil is choosing evil no matter its disguise. Have a good day, Tony!

  3. Sadly, whoever wins, T, George Bush will be entering his 4th term.
